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We worked with Jamin Zuroski, an Indigenous artist,  to update the logo at Lakewood.  This is part of the Truth and Reconciliation pathway.  Each child, at Lakewood, had a chance to design, or colour our design.  The child created design was picked by the students and Jamin helped to add formline elements and shapes to the design.  We are very grateful for his help.  As you can see we have four versions.  Staff will be showing off the new logo at Beach day.   Next year we will be putting out a clothing order with the new logo.

PurplePawLakewoodLionsLogo2024 white background

GoldPawLakewoodLionsLogo2024 whte background

GoldHeadLakewoodLionsLogo2024 white background



We are offering during Pride month, just like we have in past years, age appropriate activities celebrating acceptance and diversity including a rainbow heart activity,  be you, be unique day,  friendship bracelets,  walk a mile in someone else’s shoes activity and rainbow day.  We are very proud of how we encourage individual strengths at Lakewood Elementary.

FREE Rainbow Clipart (Royalty-free) | Pearly Arts


Please go to https://schoolstart.ca/

You will need to sign up and choose Lakewood.


Great fun was had by all!  Thank you for all of you coming out.  We had the most amazing week!


We are very excited to be in concert week.  The students are ‘tuning’ their songs and are ready to go.  Both of our concerts are ‘sold out’.   On each day we have a limit to how many people we can have in the gym due to fire regulations.  If you requested them (a message was sent out through email),  you should have received your tickets through your child’s teacher.

A huge thank you goes out to our Music teachers and the staff who have supported them.  See you at the concert.


Our ‘kick off” assembly was last week and Lakewood is hoping to raise $5000 this year,  our 24th year!  Please go to

https://www.jumpropeforheart.ca/donate  to donate on behalf of Lakewood.  Thank you!


Our students decorated paper bags for The Market at Millstream for Earth Day.   What a wonderful job they did!


School is out early on Thursday April 18th,  the bell will ring at 11:38AM.  Please ensure you have arranged pick up for your child.  There is also a Professional Development day on April 19th so there will be no school for our students.  See you Monday.


March 11- 15

Reading bingo might be sent home from your child’s classroom teacherIt's Literacy Week! | University Highlands Elementary

Tuesday – wear your funky socks

Wednesday – bring a flashlight for our flashlight read (grades 3-5)

Thursday – bring a flashlight for our flashlight read (grades K-2)

Friday – PJ day


Is coming next week.  Parents will have a chance to ‘shop’ Tuesday March 12 and Wednesday March 13 from 2:38 to 3:30PM

the Book Fair is coming! | Lakewood Elementary School

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