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To enhance the level of emergency preparedness for all schools, the District will be implementing Standard Emergency Reunification Procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of all students in the aftermath of a disaster.  This process includes staff training, parent education, and an emergency reunification drill for staff, students, parents, and authorized guardians at all schools.  Lakewood Elementary will be practicing this Emergency Reunification Drill on Thursday April 18th.  Parents and all authorized guardians listed on a Students Release Form are asked to participate.  This will be an opportunity for parents to exercise their family’s emergency plan in conjunction with the school’s emergency plan.  Parent information will be shared on the evening of April 9th in conjunction with the PAC meeting.  The parent information session will be held from 6:30 – 7:30 pm in the library and/or gym depending on numbers.  This workshop will explain the District’s post-disaster emergency student release procedures, and what to expect during the school’s reunification drill.  All participants will receive an emergency planning package and will be given a list of considerations when writing your families emergency plan. 


Please RSVP by this Wednesday, April 3rd if you will be attending the Parent Reunification Information Evening next Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30PM.  Please indicate how many will be attending, send your response to Ms. Willner at rwillner@sd62.bc.ca 

Thanks in advance and we hope to see everyone next Tuesday. 

Bryan Johnson  Principal

Lakewood Elementary School


Community involvement in the education system is key to our success as a progressive and collaborative learning community. We want to be sure we are communicating with our parents and community in the best way possible.

Complete this survey by Monday, March 18 for your chance to win one of four $25 gift cards to Indigo books. Click on the image or the link below to start the survey.



Please see attached information on the upcoming Family Dance, all students must be accompanied by an adult. 

For ticket ordering information, please go to the Lakewood website or directly to the Hot Lunch Website.

Thanks, Lakewood PAC 

Family Dance Feb 28



Good morning families, 

It is great to see everyone this morning and our students are excited to be back and engaged in Valentine’s activities.  Thanks to Ms. Bouvier, the Book Fair has been held over!  It is open all day today until 3:15PM.  If you can’t make it today, it will also be open all day next Tuesday until 3:15PM.  

If you are able to volunteer at the book fair either today or next Tuesday, Ms. Bouvier would really appreciate the help.  You can just stop by the library.  


Thanks and have a great day. 



Bryan Johnson  Principal

Lakewood Elementary School



Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to register for Cash on Line, or have already made a PAC Donation.

Here are a few hints for those that may be having troubles completing the process:

  • The consent must be completed to register your student;
  • After competing the consent you need to wait 2 or 3 days, to give our IT Department time to upload the information;
  • You must use the same email address that you have registered with the school’s student information system (you will already be getting school emails to that address);
  • Only use your child’s last name (you were provided first and last, as many parents have more than one child at the school, and the Student # is Student specific; and lastly
  • your child’s birth date.

Please let us know if you are still having issues after following these tips.

Rosa Willner, Secretary

Lakewood Elementary


This information was emailed to all our Grade 5 parents, but if you have had problem’s opening, please see attached.  We have also posted a copy to the Parent Information Board at your child’s school.

Invitation-Parent Info Night 2019-20 Spencer

Thanks, Spencer Middle School


Pizza Lunch-Whole School


It’s official – Lakewood Elementary won the Battery Blitz competition in December!  Our prize, a pizza lunch for the school, will be granted on Monday, January 21st.  Students have placed their orders with teachers and will receive one piece each on Monday at lunch.  This prize did not include snacks or drinks so families will need to provide those items for their child.

We are looking for parent volunteers to assist the distribution of pizza at 11 am on Monday so please let Ms. Deichmann know if you can assist at cdeichmann@sd62.bc.ca.


Congratulations, Lakewood!


Ceilidh Deichmann

Acting Vice-Principal & Grade One Teacher

Lakewood Elementary School



Good news, if you missed the Spirit Wear Order date, there are a few items that will be offered up for sale at the front of the school tomorrow.  There are a few Hoodies and some socks.

See the PAC Representative from 8:00am to 8:30am, by the front doors of the School.

Thanks PAC


Please see below order forms for tickets for our upcoming Winter Concert.  Due to the size of the school, Division’s 11 to 20 will be performing in the morning, the performance starts at 10:45am.  Division’s 1-10 will be performing in the afternoon, with the performance starting at 1:45pm (the doors for both performances open 30 minutes prior to show time).  

 Winter Musical ticket request-Div 11-20

Winter Musical ticket request-Div 1-10.pdf  

We have sent the ticket order forms to family’s in each of these groups only.  Do to the size of the school and number of students, we are once again limiting ticket orders to 2 tickets per family, with the option to order an additional 2 tickets if they become available.  If all requests have been met and additional tickets are still available, we will let you know. 

If you are having issues printing, paper copies can be picked up in the office.



Bryan Johnson, Principal




All parents are invited to attend the PAC 101 event on Monday, November 5, 6-9PM at Belmont.



Please find the attached link for information regarding what we are offering and order deadlines for Spirit Wear.

More information can also be found on the main page of the hot lunch website, https://lakewood.hotlunches.net.

Please direct your questions to lakewoodhotlunch@gmail.com as this is a PAC initiative.


Thank you,


Lakewood PAC

Spirit Wear Order Information 2018