Home / School News (Page 34)

  • Jingle Bell Run

    Jingle Bell Run

    We are excited for our annual Jingle Bell Run this Friday December 20th after recess. Students will attach their bells and take a jingly stroll...

  • Breakfast with Santa!

    Breakfast with Santa!

    Pancake Breakfast with Santa is this Friday December 13th at 8:45am We thank Lakewood PAC for funding our students’ breakfast and Santa photos on this...

  • Goldstream Foodbank Donations

    Goldstream Foodbank Donations

    All this week we are collecting non-perishable food items for the Goldstream Foodbank. If you have any items to donate please drop them off across...

  • PAC Donation/School Cash Online System

    PAC Donation/School Cash Online System

    This year, based on the consensus of the PAC members, we have decided to request that families make a one-time monetary contribution to the PAC...



    TURKEY TROT TOMORROW   The annual Turkey Trot will take place at 1:20PM tomorrow.  Students will complete a short walk around our community.  Up Shaw...