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Welcome back!

I hope you had a restful and rejuvenating summer.  Here is some important information for the beginning of the year:

  • School starts Sept. 3rd and is a half day only,  please arrange pickup at 11:38 on Tuesday.  New Kindergarten students start on Friday as per the email sent out in July.
  • Your child will go back to their last year’s teacher,  this will allow us to look at the best class placement for this year for your child.
  • If your child is new to the school,  please go to the gym,  we will place your child with their peers until we switch classes later in the week.
  • There will still be active painting next week and possibly the week after.  All of the painting, while the children are at school should be done by brush and roller.
  • We will not be starting our school crossing guard until the construction is complete on Treanor.  Then we will have a crossing guard at the marked crossing on Treanor,  this will be a great place to drop off your child and they can walk up the back driveway to the school.
  • The back parking lot is for STAFF only,  no pick up or drop off in this parking lot.
  • There has been an update to our policy around the bus ring.  No vehicles are allowed to travel in the bus ring for pick up and drop off.  Only busses are allowed.  Please remember to park legally on the road when you are picking up and dropping off and be kind to each other and our neighbours.
  • We are looking forward to working with all of your children and connecting with you.