Home / School News / Lakewood Munro Book Fair


Lakewood Families… Ready … Set… Shop!

Here is your link to our Munro’s Book Fair.


We thought that you might already be doing some holiday shopping, why not help Lakewood earn some new books too, all while supporting a local bookstore!

Our book fair runs from today until next Monday, Nov 28th.  Shopping can be done in store or online.  If shopping online shipping is free on purchases more than $100.00.  If you spend less simply ask for your order to be sent to the school; please indicate your student’s name and teacher’s name and we will send them home with them. If it is a present for a student please write this in the order notes and Ms. Bouvier will try her best to get in contact with you for a pick up from the school.

Lakewood will receive half of the profits that we can use towards purchasing new books for the school.

Thanks for your support!  Happy Shopping!

Ms. Bouvier

Lakewood Munro Book Fair 2022.jpg