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Our ‘kick off” assembly was last week and Lakewood is hoping to raise $5000 this year,  our 24th year!  Please go to

https://www.jumpropeforheart.ca/donate  to donate on behalf of Lakewood.  Thank you!


Our students decorated paper bags for The Market at Millstream for Earth Day.   What a wonderful job they did!


School is out early on Thursday April 18th,  the bell will ring at 11:38AM.  Please ensure you have arranged pick up for your child.  There is also a Professional Development day on April 19th so there will be no school for our students.  See you Monday.


March 11- 15

Reading bingo might be sent home from your child’s classroom teacherIt's Literacy Week! | University Highlands Elementary

Tuesday – wear your funky socks

Wednesday – bring a flashlight for our flashlight read (grades 3-5)

Thursday – bring a flashlight for our flashlight read (grades K-2)

Friday – PJ day


Is coming next week.  Parents will have a chance to ‘shop’ Tuesday March 12 and Wednesday March 13 from 2:38 to 3:30PM

the Book Fair is coming! | Lakewood Elementary School


Our students have been working with an emotional pickle – helping when they are struggling with their emotions.


Bring your bottles and cans to our parking lot on Sunday March 3rd.  Thank you for supporting Lakewood Elementary


We talked about being kind, the origin of Pink Shirt day and about the importance of standing together to stand up to bullying.



Our PAC will be holding a bottle drive on March 2nd in our front parking lot.  They will need volunteers to host this event,  each shift is only 1 hour.  Without volunteer support this event will be cancelled.

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